If you’re searching for a specialty vehicle, you want something that aligns with your company’s needs. And finding the right manufacturer is paramount. A quality provider should have these three things in common:

  • Communication
  • Competitive turnaround times
  • Customization

At Wildcat Mobile Technologies, we believe that clients should have full control over their customization options. We build standard production units with preassembled parts, and we can create specialty vehicles from scratch–helping you maintain creative direction throughout the process.

Our team provides multiple solutions for both government and oil and gas companies, and we can provide one for you, too. Here are some suggestions to find the right specialty vehicle manufacturer for your needs:

Tip #1: Avoid inflexible specialty vehicle suppliers.

Not all specialty vehicle manufacturers provide vehicles that are reliable or customized to project requirements, and this can create risk. Lack of customization could result in lost time, wasted expenses, safety issues, and not meeting your project goals.

If you need a specialty vehicle, we’d love to partner with you to help you meet your exact project requirements. We have the flexibility you need, and we always put our clients first.

Tip #2: Don’t sacrifice quality when it comes to specialty vehicle procurement.

A supplier may be performing to the minimum standards, but you consistently deal with redesigns, service calls, warranty issues, and more. This can affect your company’s reputation, your clients, and your bottom line.

Specialty vehicles are for high-pressure scenarios where reliability is required. If you’re unsure about which specialty vehicle manufacturer to contact, there is one that puts quality first: Wildcat. Our vehicles can last 15 to 20 years, which is longer than many other providers.

Tip #3: Ask questions.

Communicating with your supplier is the best way to set project expectations. Ask your potential supplier about their expertise, turnaround times, and typical work process. Wildcat, for one, specializes in building frac equipment, databands (also called mobile command centers or mobile command vehicles), and remote camera satellite hookups.

For our mobile command centers, we do a full review of the client’s needs and create a layout and drawing. Once the design is approved, we engineer the product, put it through production, and get it detailed.

A standard production unit can take between eight to 10 weeks to complete, while a brand-new unit may be finished in as little as 16 to 18 weeks. We also provide masts. In fact, we’re the only service center for them in Texas.

If you need anything that deals with a custom vehicle or trailer, our team will take care of it for you, refurbishments included. We’ll even take your box off your frame and put the whole new frame or chassis on it. Our mission? To provide a high-quality solution and exceed your expectations every step of the way.

Do you need to mobilize your mission or product? Let Wildcat help make it happen. Contact us today to start your specialty vehicle project.

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